“Don’t mistake activity with achievement.”
― John Wooden
1. Introduction
Let us examine the performance characteristics of List Implementations – ArrayList and LinkedList. We perform the testing for a variety of list sizes from 100 items to 1M items. We use the JMH test harness to conduct the test on a single core machine. Results are presented below.
2. ArrayList Add Performance
This test measures the performance of creating the list and populating the list for a specified number of items. The test code is shown below. Nothing fancy. A specified number of integer are creating using the Random class and collected into a particular type of List. For this test, we have included ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector.
@State(Scope.Thread) static public class MyState { @Param("100") public int NSIZE; } @Benchmark public void test_createArrayList(MyState state) { Random random = new Random(); List<Integer> list = random .ints(state.NSIZE) .collect(ArrayList::new, List::add, List::addAll); } @Benchmark public void test_createLinkedList(MyState state) { Random random = new Random(); List<Integer> list = random .ints(state.NSIZE) .collect(LinkedList::new, List::add, List::addAll); } @Benchmark public void test_createVector(MyState state) { Random random = new Random(); List<Integer> list = random .ints(state.NSIZE) .collect(Vector::new, List::add, List::addAll); }
The performance of the operation is shown below. As mentioned before, we tested from 100 through 1M items as shown on the X-Axis. The Y-Axis is the throughput in ops per second and is shown in log scale since there is a steep drop-off as the size increases.
Conclusions we can draw from this graph. As always, results are specific for this run of the code. (In other words, your mileage may vary).
- LinkedList adding is slower as number of items increase.
- No perceptible difference between ArrayList and Vector
3. ArrayList Loop Performance
Let us now check the performance of the ArrayList in a loop. Since iterating over a List is one of the most important operations in programs in general, this aspect is quite important.
We have tested the following ways of iterating a list. The code loops over a List and fetches each item; thus it represents reasonably real-world code.
Enhanced for-each
A simple for-each loop. To prevent the JVM for optimizing the code out of existence, we maintain a loop variable, increment it each loop and return it.
@Benchmark public int test_forEach(MyState state) { int n = 0 ; for (int num : state.list) { n++; } return n; }
A regular indexed for loop
A loop which iterates over all elements in order and fetches each element.
@Benchmark public int test_forLoop(MyState state) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < state.list.size() ; i++) { int value = state.list.get(i); n++; } return n; }
Loop with Iterator
Uses the normal Collection.iterator method to retrieve an iterator and fetches the item from it.
@Benchmark public int test_iterator(MyState state) { int n = 0; for (Iterator<Integer> it=state.list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { int num = it.next(); n++; } return n; }
Process Items in a Stream
Uses the new Java 8 streams facility with a lambda.
@Benchmark public int test_stream(MyState state) { return state.list.stream().reduce(0, (x, y) -> x+y); }
And here are the results. As before the X-Axis is the size of the ArrayList and the Y-Axis is the throughput in ops/s with a higher number indicating faster performance. Also note that the Y-Axis is log scale.
Nothing unusual here – the performance of the loop drops over the size of the list. A surprise here is that the performance of ArrayList stream is less by about 20% than the other methods. Again your mileage may vary.
4. LinkedList Loop Performance
The same tests as above on a LinkedList, ranging in size from 100 items to 10000 items.
A few observations are in order here. The for-loop is way slower than the other methods which is to be expected since the LinkedList is not a RandomAccess List. ArrayList has a O(1) performance for retrieval while LinkedList has a O(N) performance. It is reflected here.
Also the streams processing pipeline is slower by about 20% than the for-each and iterator methods.
In this article we examined some performance characteristics of the ArrayList and LinkedList including creation, adding and retrieval in a loop. The LinkedList is slightly slower with adding items to the end of the list. It is also slower when retrieving items with an index (random access).