Mapping XML Elements & Attributes: Example 2

In this example, each <Customer> element contains more than one <Order> element which itself contains many child elements as shown below. Exult maps this XML into an Order table linked to its parent, the Customer table.

Example Source XML

Mapped as shown below (click for larger view):

XML Data imported into the database shown below.(click for larger view):



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Argon DataViz

Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts from Large Datasets.

Swift XML Converter

Query & extract XML data into Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or ACCDB), or CSV.

Exult Standard

Convert XML into Microsoft Excel (XLS), Microsoft Access (MDB or ACCDB), or CSV.

Exult SQL Server

Shred and import XML into SQL Server.

Exult MySQL

Import XML data into automatically created MySQL tables.

Exult Oracle

Import XML into Oracle.